The best ways to test your allergies from home

The advent of modern medicine has made it possible for many people to treat minor medical conditions from home, and without the need for a doctor’s appointment. This is a huge advantage if you don’t want to waste time with repeated hospital trips.

Test allergies at home

Nevertheless, you can still spend a lot of money with some common illnesses, if you pick the wrong way of treating them. It is the case of allergies for which many patients prefer to use expensive pharmaceutical allergy tests. What they do not know is that these allergen testers have a low rate of efficiency. Read on to find out which are the best ways to check your hypersensitive reactions from home without paying a fortune.

What are allergies?

Allergic diseases comprise a large number of medical conditions that affect people all over the world. At its core, an allergy is a sensitive reaction of your immune system to something in its immediate environment. Some of these biological responses manifest through flu-like symptoms, such as nasal congestion or a sore throat, and others through itchy lumps and plaques that cover the skin.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the most common causes of allergies are:

  • Food
  • Pet hair
  • Medicinal drugs
  • Insect bites
  • Latex
  • Pollen
  • Mold

How allergy tests work

The key to finding the proper treatment for an allergy is an accurate diagnosis. So far, modern medicine has produced a consistent number of methods that help doctors determine an allergy trigger. Some of these methods include:

  • Skin prick testing
  • Blood testing
  • Patch testing

The pharmaceutical industry has made it easy for the regular consumer to test themselves for allergies from home by using the skin prick method or the blood test. Unfortunately, none of these methods provide reliable results or a definitive diagnosis. Before you go on a series of medical examinations to see the nature of your allergy, you might want to check if you are not directly experiencing a case of urticaria.

Is urticaria an allergy?

Urticaria or hives is not an allergy, but rather an adverse effect of your immune system’s reaction to an allergen. If you are sensitive to any of the allergic causes presented above, your skin might become covered in rashes and itchy bumps. These welts usually go away in a few days, unless you are suffering from chronic urticaria, which might take as much as six months to disappear.

When you get the hives, you become part of the 20% of the world population that has this allergic reaction. The good news is that you can quickly treat urticaria at home without the need of an allergy test or a doctor’s appointment. All you need is a daily application of OxyHives – a homeopathic treatment with a 100% natural composition that treats welts quick and easy.

Test your hives’ resilience

Without the use of a topical solution like OxyHives, the burning sensation given by urticaria can affect you for weeks in a row. As many consumers testify, with the help of this remedy for hives the lumps decrease in size and the skin regains its natural complexion in just a few days. Long term applications are recommended to prevent a comeback from the itchy blotches.